
On the fourth floor of a four-story apartment building lives a couple of sibling cats named Sam and Roy. Sam is highly intelligent and self-sufficient. Roy is loveable and huggable and loves food. Then there is their guardian, Skip, who is insecure and hates his mailroom job. Their next-door neighbors are Abby and her Border Collie Sandy. Homeless kitten sisters Betty and Angela are the newest characters. Betty has been in only one comic strip, and Angela has never been in one, but they both appear in the storybooks. Grant, who cares for Betty and Angela, is the gentle and polite homeless cat and is best friends with Sam and Roy. There's also Sam's love interest Muffins, Jack Russell Terrier twins Jack and Russell, Roger, Jerry Kurls, and the no-good Barry the bully who torments poor Grant. And in a neighborhood surrounded by many friends, they share fun, laughter, and adventures that will last a lifetime!

The Single Panel comics are random funnies involving humans and animals of all kinds. It looks at the lighter side of stringent issues based on the environment, technology, and politics. There are also lopsided views on relationships, pets, and holidays, which we sometimes wish weren't true. The only reoccurring characters are Reggie and his unnamed cat, who have a bond only true cat-lovers will understand.

"CAT-astrophic! The Astonishing Adventures of Sam & Roy!" first comic strip started on Monday, April 7, 2008. And because I have proceeded on to other projects, the last CAT-astrophic! comic strip was in December 2016. That doesn't mean the total end of CAT-astrophic! - only the comic strips. Every so often, I will have a storybook out with the continuing adventures of Sam & Roy and the rest of the gang!
