
SAM is a young, white and black cat with a slender physique and a thunderbolt-shaped tail. He is well-rounded, highly intellectual, and can be very sarcastic even when situations don’t call for it. His favorite novel is Catcher in the Rye.

ROY is Sam's younger brother who is black and white, chubby, loveable, and very huggable - until it comes to food, then it's all business. His favorite catchphrase is, "Yum-yum delicious!”

SANDY is a female Border Collie and is good friends with Sam and Roy. She is highly intelligent and independent, and at times, she could be very opinionated. Sandy lives with Abby, and the debate is, who is the boss of the house. She loves puppy biscuits but won't beg for them.

ABBY, also known as Pet-Girl, is Sandy's guardian and Skip’s neighbor. She may not be the most popular girl, but all that is overlooked by her kindness and angelic personality. She loves animals and lives life like a dream - the dream part is that she thinks she has superpowers.

BETTY, aka Betty-Boo, is a young juvenile female kitten from the ghetto that is homeless and is cared for by Grant. She is kind, gentle, and very playful but can be feisty if warranted. Betty likes to randomly scream out, “My name is Betty, yo! Don’t you mess with me!”

ANGELA is a tortoiseshell like her big sister, Betty. Unlike Betty, she is very shy and timid. Angela always looks mean due to a fur marking over one eye. She always carries her favorite pink pompom toy everywhere she goes. Angela loves cookies and always asks, “You got any cookies, yo?”

GRANT is gentle and polite for a cat raised outdoors most of his life. He is constantly picked on by Barry the bully because he is poor and does not like to fight back. He does his best to provide for his little friends Betty and Angela. They live in a box in an alley near Sam and Roy, who are best friends.

MUFFINS is Sam's love interest. She is reserved and lady-like and is all about being politically correct. Muffins lives down the street, about half a block, from Sam and Roy.

JACK & RUSSELL are identical twins Jack Russell terriers. Jack is the wiser and older of the two, while Russell can sometimes get into mischievous situations. They can only be identified by their stance, with Jack having his feet together, while Russell stands with his feet apart.

ROGER is a dog who hangs out in the neighborhood. He is best buddies with the entire gang. Many label him as a very easy-going guy who is free-spirited and goes with the flow of things.

JERRY KURLS is a poodle and a Caribbean native who loves life - and the ladies just as much. With his charming ways, he tries to wow the ladies and sometimes might be a bit too charming for his own good. He always makes sure his hair is in perfect form and constantly asks, "By the way, how does my hair look?"

BARRY THE BULLY is Grant's arch-nemesis. He is just plain evil and likes to torment Grant because he is poor and homeless. Barry has issues that will never be resolved.

PEANUTS is Sam’s pet hamster. He is cute and cuddly, and ironically, is allergic to peanuts. Don't let the cuteness fool you, because as rumor has it, he once broke another hamster's leg for no apparent reason.

FLUFFY is Roy’s pet Betta fighting fish. He is an ideal pet with good mannerisms but likes to fight if provoked. He was born and raised in the Bronx.

HOUSE-MOUSE lives in Sam and Roy's apartment. He is good pals with Sam, Roy, Peanuts, and Fluffy. He also has a wife and seven kids.

REZA is the Mailroom Lead and Skip's direct boss at EMCA. As ambitious as she is, she has hit the ceiling of her career. This is due to her low-level intelligence. She likes to watch reality TV shows to pick up deceptive tips to use on co-workers but doesn't have the smarts to use it to its full potential.

NOLA, the Assistant Manager at EMCA, has a weak and meager personality. Don't be fooled by her innocent looks because she can be sinister and get other people to do her dirty work. In her spare time, she likes to read self-help books.

BELLA, the Team-Lead at EMCA, is very masculine, to say the least. Not many people in the company like to challenge her views because of her intimidating looks. It has been known she can bench-press nearly twice her own weight - 400 pounds!

VERBIE is a contract employee hired to help Skip with his duties in the mailroom at EMCA Financial company. He is annoying and difficult to work with. His main goal in life is to get a job on a permanent full-time basis. His favorite catchphrase is, "Holy Bangladesh."

GANESH is the Manager of EMCA where Skip works. He is very arrogant and ambitious, trying to be the youngest vice-president of the company... EVER! His peers know he will never make vice-president because he lacks the skills to be one.

BOBBY is your typical idiotic co-worker at EMCA. Every company has a “Bobby.” This particular “Bobby” wears all black and wears the same clothes the whole work week. His hobby is playing video games in his mother’s basement - which he still lives with.